How we invest.
With a pragmatic approach.
We take a pragmatic approach to investing in businesses in and around the Jaguar Corridor by blending finance, where needed. Our team considers each investments’ ability to:
mitigate deforestation and biodiversity loss and restore where possible
contribute toward addressing a funding gap of $12BN experienced by producers, farmers, smallholders and small enterprises in Latin America (Council for Smallholder Agriculture Finance, 2019)
create a network among microfinance institutions active in and around the Jaguar Corridor
help producers organize profitable businesses to improve their negotiating position and engage in equitable supply chain and business transactions
create jobs in the regenerative bio-economy and enhance production using climate smart techniques
implement and enforce conservation agreements
attach financial values to biodiversity, species, ecosystem connectivity, and ancestral and indigenous knowledge through training and other tools
generate, aggregate and monetize carbon benefits and ecosystem values