Why we invest.
To protect biodiversity & nature.
Food production, biodiversity loss, and climate change are inextricably linked.
Jaguars have existed on Earth for more than 2 million years, and preceded humans in Latin America by more than 1 million years. A 2019 study by Equilibrium Research concludes the jaguar’s range - from Mexico to Argentina - encompasses an area of particularly high biodiversity - 27.7% of the world’s total - and provides an array of ecosystem services including 17% of the world’s carbon storage and sequestration.
Jaguars are an apex species at the top of the food chain that represent healthy ecosystems.
Jaguars travel through biodiverse landscapes, like the Amazon, the Pantanal in Bolivia and Brazil, the Moskitia in Honduras and Nicaragua, the Darien in Panama, the Gran Chaco in Paraguay, the Guyana Shield and through biological corridors connecting these landscapes to find mates and prey. Jaguar specialists have discovered that these cats eat more than 80 different mammals! However, jaguars have lost almost 50% of their range due to poorly planned development. Large- and small-scale agricultural expansion, infrastructure development, roads, and so on have encroached into forests and devastated once biodiverse areas throughout the region, in Mexico, Central America and South America resulting in losses of species and habitats. These species, habitats and ecosystems are vital for life on Earth, for food production and for ecosystem functioning. We want to keep the remaining ecosystems resilient, so we tackle the root causes of biodiversity loss, deforestation and associated carbon emissions.
We invest in bio-economy solutions that create jobs, improve livelihoods and protect nature.
These solutions can be as simple as helping coffee producers to introduce sustainable or more efficient practices, or providing training to small farmers to manage cattle more effectively while diversifying production to include climate friendly crops, like tree crops. People living and working in and around the biologically diverse Jaguar Corridor need incentives to steward nature. We want to help producers to get a fair price for their products and efforts and motivate them to maintain their forests and local biodiversity. We do this by helping them to gather information on the species where they live and work and to understand the many values of ecosystems and the services that ecosystems provide - not only for food production but for the planet and society. This way, they will be better equipped to capture value from not only what they produce but also from the broader range of ecological services where they live.
The Jaguar Corridor Investment Fund offers a scalable and profitable approach to achieve biodiversity conservation goals and commitments.
In all of these regions, there are investment opportunities in mature conservation markets, such as coffee, cacao, nuts, oils, eco-tourism, carbon, medicinal, artisanal, and bio-industrial products. But, so often, producers eke out a living where it is easier and cheaper to clear forests than to use more sustainable production practices. We help producers to get compensated for all they contribute to sustainable production.